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From January 2024, we will expand our group practice La Lys in Ghent to at least four new consultation rooms, fully equipped for individual and group sessions. We provide several waiting areas, a kitchen and meeting room. There is also a secluded garden that can be used.


Do you like to connect with people? Are you eager to work in a warm team and further develop your own interests and specializations? If you dream of an exciting and challenging future, then you are the person to strengthen our practice. We offer psychotherapeutic, psychological guidance and support to young people and adults. If you are interested, you also have the option to develop your own training offer.


The practice is located in Ghent in a very quiet region within walking distance of the station, easily accessible by public transport and bicycle.


Practice owner Rosy Van den Berge has many years of experience as a clinical psychologist and behavioral therapist. We provide the possibility of supervision and intervision, if desired.


This is an excellent opportunity to further develop yourself as a self-employed person in your main or secondary profession. Nutritionists, physiotherapists, osteopaths and coaches may also be eligible, provided they have the necessary expertise.

Interested? Or would you like more information? Please contact

Rosy Van den Berge


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